Whenever Emmy would see something on TV she would say how she wanted it for Christmas, those AS SEEN ON TV items especially...like Stompeez which are a blog post by themselves.
I figured she would constantly be changing her mind about what she wanted for Christmas like every other year. She is only four.
Hmphf...shows how much I know.
Every time she has seen Santa since the beginning of December she has told him she wants a Lalaloopsy Silly Hair doll. That's all she wants...well that and a Barbie Puppy Wash (or the Barbie Puppy Water Park as it is really called). Of course, she wanted the two things I didn't get her.
I had seen the dolls before in passing but had never really paid much attention to them. But, then I actually looked at them after Emmy started asking for one. They are an updated concept on the rag doll and are actually kind of cute in a vintagey (yes, I know that isn't a word) kind of way. I know for a fact Emmy never played with the Raggedy Ann doll I had bought her but I could see her playing with this.
So I started shopping for that Lalaloopsy Silly Hair doll after Black Friday. Of course it had to be one of the hottest toys of the season. The doll was sold out except on Amazon and eBay which were asking more than the retail price of the doll.
I was smart enough to call around to Kmart, Walmart, and a whole host of other stores before venturing out. They basically laughed at me when I asked if they had it. Then, I called Toys R Us as a last resort. I figured they would not have them since they are a toy store and the first place people go for hard to buy items is toy stores.
They had it! I packed the kids up in the car and told them we were picking up the doll for their godparents who wanted it for a Christmas present. I got there and told them I was there for the doll. They looked at me like I was crazy and explained that they hadn't had that doll for awhile.
So we headed over to Babies R Us on the off chance that was who I had called. It turns out it was, thank heavens. Apparently around the holidays, Babies R Us often gets the hotter toys to. I got the Jewel Sparkles (who is in pink) doll because well, I thought she was cuter than Sugar Crumb (who is dressed in yellow). All Emily could talk about was how she wanted that doll for Christmas the entire way home.
I even went as far with my ruse as to pack the doll in a box, label it, and pretend to mail it.
Then, Emmy saw the yellow one and decided that she just had to have the yellow one named Sugar Crumb. Needless, to say I was cursing myself in my head for overlooking the fact that my daughter's favorite color is yellow so of course she would want that one.
One day, when I was sans the kids, I made another trek to Babies R Us to exchange the doll. Only days later, Emmy decided she wanted the pink one instead. At that point common sense prevailed.
I was doing the one thing I swore up and down I wouldn't do!
It was a good thing to since Babies R Us are officially sold out of them (or were the other week when I was in) because I just had to check.
So Emmy is getting the yellow Lalaloopsy doll and a note from Santa (which is a tradition in our house). According to Santa, even though the doll isn't the one Emmy necessarily wanted she needed a good home and since Emmy has such a big heart he thought Sugar Crumb would have a good home with her.
Sheesh, I could write a book about the lies I tell my kids...
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2 days ago