I am a former high school history teacher. Currently I am a stay-at-home mom with two little girls and a little boy. I am a bibliophile who also loves to travel, be crafty, browse antique stores, and take pictures of all of those everyday moments with my family. I also have an addiction to cupcakes and pinterest.
This blog started as a way to connect with other women. When I became a mom I had not been prepared for how isolated I felt since many of my family members and friends had jobs outside of the home and many of them didn't yet have children. As an educator, I always loved writing, researching, and learning new things. I realized that even as a SAHM I could still continue doing the things I loved just in a different way.
I am not good at keeping a journal and I have myriad file folders with magazine clippings and magazines with dog-eared pages that are sitting on a shelf. This blog has become my journal of sorts with stories about my family to observations about life in general. I also have article-style posts to product reviews and giveaways. I believe in everything I write about.
Keep in mind, I am not an expert but I am a parent stumbling through this crazy maze of parenthood just like many of you. I am constantly learning from all the great women around me about how to be a better mom. One thing I've learned is that we all do what is practical and best for our own families. We all have our own "practical mom guides". They may not be written down but they are certainly in our minds and hearts.
I hope you enjoy reading and come back to visit!
✈️Conde Nast Traveler Magazine $5.50
3 days ago