Friday, June 11, 2010

FGF: Bonding with Strangers

Today is Friday.  For my last day of playing a MEME a day this week, I am participating in Feel Good Friday over at The Girl Next Door Grows Up.

What made me feel good this week?

1 Visiting my grandparents and having my daughters get to know the amazing people that they are. I am blessed to still have them here so they can share their memories with the girls and make new memories with them.

2 Having a nice lady in the grocery store see me picking up baby food and handing me a coupon that she wasn't going to use.  There is something touching about small kindnesses from strangers.

3 Another mom laughing when she strolled down the baby food aisle (same day, same place) seeing me trying to entertain the girls.  She was me a year ago with a two year old in her cart and the infant in the carrier in the front, both of whom were well-behaved.  Since I became a mom I can't tell you the number of times I have found myself conversing and bonding with complete strangers (who themselves are parents).We started conversing in the middle of the aisle.

4 I got to spend some quality time with my husband when he got home early the one day.  We took in part of a baseball game, munched on soft pretzels (Carbs?  What are they?), and cheered on our team (who won which made the night even sweeter).

5 Watching Emily try to ride her tricycle or her car.  Her determination and focus is endearing.

6 Participating in a meme a day this week. I got to read several new blogs and make new bloggy friends.


Don't forget that today is blog hop Friday,  Want to play along? Click on one of the buttons below.


The Girl Creative


Interested in doing memes on your blog but can't find one?  Our Mommyhood, the List Your Meme group at Mom Bloggers Club, and I Blame My Mother  have comprehensive lists of memes or carnivals to particpate in.  Go check them out.


Ma What's 4 dinner said... 1

New follower here from Follow Me Friday. Great blog you've got here, can't wait to come back and read more. Hope to hear back from you soon!

Lots of yummy love,
Alex aka Ma, What's For Dinner?

Katina said... 2

visiting!! Love your blog! Now following!!!

The Mommyologist said... 3

It is amazing how moms have this unspoken bond between them. I have bonded with so many moms in grocery stores, airports, etc!

Anonymous said... 4

That was a great list. I wish my grandparents were alive to share their stories. I spent a ton of time with them until they died, but I know they are still watching!!!!

Daphne said... 5

Thanks for stopping by and I hope you like the recipe. I just have to say that your post made me smile! I can't tell you how many times I have stopped a complete stranger and had a conversation with this. :)
Have a great weekend!

Melissa said... 6

Yay for new bloggy friends and nice people in grocery stores!!! Sounds like a wonderful week. Happy Friday!

Amber at The Musings of ALMYBNENR said... 7

I love the coupon one! My mom and I have gone grocery shopping together and if she isn't using a coupon and sees that it will help someone else, she hands it over. Also, meeting nice people in stores is, well, NICE! So refreshing. A lady in the line next to me once at Superfresh told me she had forgotten her card and asked if she could use mine and I said sure! Even though, now that I think about it, I guess she could have put her phone number in, but I guess neither of us were thinking of that. But she was really nice!

Here's my Feel Good Friday!

dollycas aka Lori said... 8

What a great week!! Thanks for sharing!!


The Drama Mama said... 9

Your week of meme's was awesome!! Thanks again for partying with me this week.

I'm also glad that you are getting some bling out it.

Eternal Lizdom said... 10

Happy FGF!

I've made lots of "friends" just by being chatty in grocery stores or restaurants. My best friend and I have quite a knack for it, in fact. Just the other night, we basically ended up ordering another couple's sushi for them since they were having a hard time deciding and we were "regulars" at this place.

daniii♥ said... 11

happy friday!

(visiting from nff)

One Photo said... 12

It is always so nice I agree when a complete stranger does something nice for you - if I have a coupon I can't use and the timeline is nearly up on it I will give it to someone in line if I think they can use it and have had people do the same for me. Little things people do can make the sun shine so much brighter.

Beverly@Beverly's Back Porch said... 13

Grandparents are the best. You learn so much from them and they let you do things your parents don't allow. Well mine did!
Visiting from Feel Good Friday.

Kristi {at} Live and Love...Out Loud said... 14

So many wonderful feel-good moments! I especially love your first one, being able to visit your grandparents and sharing that with your children. I wish my grandparents were still around. It would've been great for my children to have the opportunity to know them.
Thanks for reminding me about the fond memories I have of my grandparents...and for stopping by The Scoop on Poop and commenting on my guest post. I really appreciate that. Have a great weekend.

Kristi, Live and Love...Out Loud

PS Following you via Google Friend Connect!

HBrummett said... 15

Hellow Following you back! Thanks for stopping by! i REALLY ENJOYED READING YOUR BLOG! I am going to add your button to my blog! Have a greatday!

Anonymous said... 16

" Having a nice lady in the grocery store see me picking up baby food and handing me a coupon that she wasn't going to use. " --- It's always those moments that remind you that there are kind people in the world still!!

Daisygirl said... 17

I love those simple things like people just being kind to others for no apparent reason! Sometimes this world is really awesome!

Hope your weekend was awesome!

Lourie said... 18

Hmmmm good things for me this week...

1. School ended...finally!
2. Seeing old friends
3. A party for my Emily

It's good to list these things.

Your list is awesome.

Anonymous said... 19

I love each and every one of your examples of things that made you feel good. What a great choice, in variety and meaning. And even though I haven't participated in Feel Good Friday (other than reading The Girl's) it's a great way to show gratitude. I think we all need that.
Thanks for this lovely post!

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