Thursday, July 15, 2010

Attack of the Cocopop Machine

We have a standard run of the mill grocery store a few miles away on the other side of town.  We also have a specialty grocery store a few miles away in the opposite direction which is where I normally shop.  Probably because no matter what I am looking for I can find it on their shelves. 

The other day I was shopping and maneuvering my cart when I heard a loud pop.  It was close by and out of the corner of my eye I caught movement.  I had the urge to duck.  But I didn't.


What could possibly hurt me in the grocery store?  (Besides those unmaneuverable car carts.)

It was a Cocopop machine.  Have you seen these?

They apparently produce a fresh made all natural multigrain snack that shoots out of the machine hitting a shatterproof (I would hope anyway since those flying discs hit the plastic pretty hard) piece of plastic before falling down into a pile.  They are loud and if you are walking nearby and unaware, you may think you are under attack.  They are much louder on impact than what you hear in the video.

I had to stop and stare at this anomaly in our grocery store. 

These cakes that resemble rice cakes got me thinking.  They might make good snacks to throw in the diaper bag.

It's summertime and we are always on the go it seems.  My purse and diaper bag are always stuffed with snacks for the girls (and for me to if I'm honest).  I get sick of eating the same things repeatedly so I came up with a list of quick foods to throw in our bags or in the car for those times when we are short on time.  I can almost guarantee that someone is going to be hungry at some point when we are running errands.  Hungry little girls equals fusspots in our house.  This, we try to avoid at all costs because if the girls are not happy, no one is happy.
On the Go Snacks (that do not require refridgeration or utensils):

Fruit such as bananas, apples, or oranges
Wheat crackers or graham crackers with peanut butter
Granola, cereal, or fig bars
Oatmeal cookies
Tortilla chips
Rice cakes
Dried fruit
Dry cereal
Sunflower and pumpkin seeds
Trail mix
Roasted chickpeas and wasabi peas
Baked lentil chips (I just bought these the other day and they are actually really good)
Fruit roll ups or fruit bars
Fruit snacks
Homemade or store bought jerky
Sliced homemade breads (ex. banana nut) or muffins

I usually sneak some M&Ms in my bag to.  You never know when you will need a chocolate fix or a bribe.

What are your favorite on the go snacks?


One Photo said... 1

HA! Well if left to my daughter my snack bag would be filled only with goldfish :-) For a long trip I take a rucksack and in it I will have a small cool bag with yogurt snacks and cheese squares and sticks in it, and I always bring along some cereal bars and little juice boxes too.

The Single Mothers Chronicles said... 2

Powers bars, peanuts, and cheez-its :-)! Will have to be on the look out for that machine though - I would've been so startled in the grocery store!!


Liz Mays said... 3

I think I might have jumped if I heard that bang!

Michelle @Flying Giggles said... 4

I've never in my life come across one of those machines. Great list...we love wasabi peas!

Joey Lynn Resciniti said... 5

My daughter loves whole grain goldfish crackers, but this post reminds me how glad I am to be able to leave the house for a couple of hours without feeding her on the go! Lots of little things are good about having an older kid.

Joy@TPMG said... 6

I think my daughter believes that goldfish are a food group by the way she eats them! I love keeping a bag of mixed nuts and fruit in my purse for long drives in the car.

The Drama Mama said... 7 can usually find a bag of fruit snacks or two, a banana, an apple, goldfish, chex mix, those handy little grab bags that have varieties on the snack aisle (you know, cheez-its, mini cookies, teddy grahams, etc), and even raisins. Their wants and tastes are constantly changing and its hard to keep up!

Lourie said... 8

I have never seen or heard of those. And I don't think of bringing snacks, but I should just because it eliminates whining. I usually bring water with me since it is so dry out here.

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