Sorting, entering data, printing, cutting tags, hanging, pinning, pinning, pinning, thinking "why am I doing this?" and "is it really worth it", taping, and then counting (and not on my fingers).
That has been my "job" for the last week.
I finally sorted all of the girls' baby items and after giving away a lot of clothes and toys, I decided to sell the rest at a local children's consignment event being held this weekend.
I have had yard sales before but this was so much more work than even I imagined.
The prep work to get the items ready for the sale took a lot more time than I thought it would. You had to enter descriptions of all of your items into the website, print your sale tags, and hang them on the clothes and tape them on the toys. Did I mention you had to hang and pin all clothing items to the wire hangers?
For about 50 pieces of clothing it took about 8 hours overall to prepare them since I had to steam them to to make them look pretty. I had about 115 items total.
I get 60% of the sales plus an extra 5% for putting up signs in local businesses advertising the sale and another 5% for working a shift. While I am not sure the huge amount of time invested is worth the few extra bucks, a good friend made a good point about paying it forward.
The nice thing about doing this is I get everything out of my house at once and I don't have to take a few things at a time to a consignment shop. So in the end the pros and cons will balance out.
And not only do you get to sell your items but you get to shop to. If you consign or volunteeer you get to shop early. Did I mention that the amount of new items being sold is mind boggling? I couldn't believe the amount of new stuff I put in the sale. Many of the items were things I had on my baby registry with Emily that we never even used for either girl.
I am actually looking forward to working tomorrow though. The atmosphere at these events is crazy which is why I volunteered to work the pre-sale when it won't be quite as bad as the first public day of the sale. It is kind of exciting though watching everyone's enthusiasm for finding good bargains.
As far as what exactly I will be doing while I'm working is anyone's guess. We shall see...
🧀Sweeps Quaker “Top That” (ends 6/16)
2 hours ago
It's a lot of work but a great feeling when you let it all go! I hope you make a lot of $$
Just did one last weekend!
It was fun working the sale last night and I loved seeing people who would pick up clothing I consigned and oohing and aahing over how cute they were. I'm glad someone else will get good use out of their old stuff!
Good for you!! We're doing huge sorting here with the move coming up - it sounds like you would be awesome at it...wanna visit??
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