Sunday, January 10, 2010

Driving On a Road of Green

Imagine driving on snowy, snowy roads.  Roll down the car window.  Sniff, sniff.  Is that green tea I smell?  If you live in the town of Etten-Leur in the Netherlands, than the answer would be, yes.  The Netherlands are facing a salt shortage.  Normally they use 70,000 tons of salt on wintry roads.  This year they have already used over 100,000 tons.  Friends who live in the Netherlands emailed us about radio reports of a northern town who had purchased 18 tons of bath salts in case of bad weather to put on the roads.  The town has purchased the bath salts which smell of lavendar, green tea, and mango to spread on the icy roads.

According to the email from our friends, comments on a newspaper website included:

"Was riding my bike, but slipped and fell. But it smelled soooo goooooood, that I just stayed there on the ground. In fact, I'm still here ... mmmmmm"

"Well, if the bathing salt also comes with naked men, I want that in my town as well !!"

Apparently, the Dutch have taken to calling the town Etten-Geur which supposedly means Etten-Smell.


MrsMonicaLB said... 1

hahah,that is funny!maybe we can sprinkle some bath salts in our pollution so that it can smell good if not look good!
stopping by from SITS

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