Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Wordless Wednesday

I recently read an article about how the majority of the herd of sea lions that normally delights visitors at Pier 39 in San Franciso had left, probably to chase a food source.  In September 2008, my husband and I had spent a long weekend in Napa Valley and in San Francisco (which is now one of my favorite cities in the U.S.). We had spent about an hour watching the sea lions and their antics, of course the majority of them just lay there snoozing in the sun. Just looking at this picture I can feel my nose wrinkling, because I also haven't forgotten the smell. 

To read more about the sea lions, click here.
To see more Wordless Wednesday, click here.


Victoria said... 1

Beautiful..such lovely creatures! Great capture!

Modern Mom said... 2

It's so fun to watch sea lions. Nice capture. :)

Happy WW. Thanks for stopping by.

Unknown said... 3

That is such a great picture! What a neat experience.
Happy WW and thanks for stopping by my blog!

Amanda Moore said... 4

I love going to the central Calif coast near Hearst Castle to watch the elephant seals lots of fun, great WW!

Joy@TPMG said... 5

Thanks, Everyone. The weather had been so nice that day-so unlike how it is where we live now. I can't wait for the warm sunshine again.

Michelle said... 6

OK...I haven't been blog hopping enough lately. Your new blog layout and graphics are AWESOME! Good job!

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