Wednesday, May 26, 2010

WW: Running Away Screaming

Ever wonder what scares little kids?

That's easy...

People dressed up as giant monkeys...

Or giant pigs with pigtails...

Who am I kidding?

They kind of scare me to...

For more Wordless Wednesday visit the Wordless Wednesday website and 5 Minutes For Mom.  For more Wordful Wednesday visit Seven Clown Circus.


Anonymous said... 1

This makes me remember all the times I thought I was doing something wonderful and fun for my daughter who clung to me for dear life, just as your daughter is doing! Adults! What do they know?

Melissa said... 2

Hayden liked mascots and such from afar. He doesn't want them to close though... and they are a little scary!

MommyLovesStilettos said... 3

Awww poor kiddo!

Buckeroomama said... 4

My daughter is not too keen about these big mascots either.

Joy@TPMG said... 5

She refused to have her picture taken with either of them without one of us.

Thank goodness she didn't see the lady accidentally guiding George into the wall at Borders or she really would have lost it.

Before they both left though she did give them high fives (rather tentatively I might add).

Country Mouse, City Mouse said... 6

It is always funny because we think we are doing something fun for the kids taking them to those types of things. Really we are traumatizing them. LOL

Daisygirl said... 7

Oh No!!! Ya wanna know what is funny we are having a monkey situation at my house this morning. The 2 year old thinks a monkey is coming to eat his banana....dang zoo on Sunday! ;)

Jennifer said... 8

Characters are kinda freaky.

Stopping by from Seven Clown Circus.

Stacy Uncorked said... 9

LOL! They kind of scare me, too. ;)

WW:  Princess Nagger Goes to the Zoo

Lourie said... 10

Poor thing. Ryan is my only kid who won't sit with Santa or the Easter Bunny, not even after seeing his sisters do it. Forget larger than life animals! Kudo's to her for making it to the finish line.

Wonderfully Chaotic said... 11

Awwww! I understand that...we've been there before too!

Organic Motherhood with Cool Whip said... 12

My Diego hates characters too and is deathly afraid of them. And I'm with you. They are kinda scary when you really think about it. Who the heck is under those fuzzy suits anyway?

Together We Save said... 13

Oh... poor thing. My girls were always scared of characters too!

Renee said... 14

Thanks for stopping by my blog yesterday!

Joy@TPMG said... 15

I never thought about who is inside those fuzzy suits. I really don't like them.

The Drama Mama said... 16

This is funny. I'm wondering how Scooby is going to react when he finally sees on of his buddies "come to life". He does okay with Chuck E Cheese...

Alex@LateEnough said... 17

My son was totally suspicious of cookie monster the first time we "met" him. seriously. and seeing them led around because they might trip over a kid and FALL freaks me out too.

Judy Whatilivefor said... 18

I'd run away from that pig! I don't blame her one bit!

Thanks for stopping by my blog!

parenting ad absurdum said... 19

And don't even mention Santa Claus! After meeting him in the mall, my two-year old was horrified at the thought that this scary man would be crawling down his chimney in the middle of the night on Christmas eve...

Holly Lefevre said... 20

Big mouse ears and polka dot dresses do that in our family. Seriosuly, if I was little I would be scared too. They make for great photos later! Happy weekend.

Kristi {at} Live and Love...Out Loud said... 21

Awww, I always feel bad when big furry characters scare little kids. :(
Thanks for stopping by and linking up your WW post the other day. I'm making my rounds now and wanted to stop by and say hi. Thanks again. Have a great day.

Kristi, Live and Love...Out Loud

PS Come on over and see what Curious George has been up to over at my place. Let's just say he's a little too curious for his own good! lol

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