Friday, May 7, 2010

Bloggy News: Featured Blog

Today I am the featured blog over at The Scoop on Poop.  Stephanie often makes me laugh with her honest and real take on motherhood.  After reading her post yesterday, I now know why my 2 year old seems to be in a league all by herself on "those days".

To see how I answered her question of who I would be for the day if I could be anyone in the world, head on over to check out her blog.  Hint: She is on a quest for world domination.  On Monday, I will be guest posting over at The Scoop on Poop so don't forget to stop by and don't forget to show some comment love! Pretty please with a cherry on top (okay, I had to say that with the bowl of ice cream staring at me from the screen.)

If you missed it yesterday, check out my Mother's Day post called I Think of Mother's Day When I See Swans.
Happy Mother's Day!  
May we all have some good stories to tell on Monday.

*Don't forget to enter to win the Live Simply Children's Health Journal Giveaway (ends 5/13).   To enter, all you have to do is leave a comment after visiting the Live Simply website and telling me what you would like to see in their upcoming Pet Health Journal and their Women's Health Journal. Easy as that!  This would make a great gift for your self or for a new mom.


Liz Mays said... 1

I like that blog and I'll look forward to your guest post!

Lourie said... 2

Ellen is an awesome choice! I just love her. I think my second choice would be Evangaline Lily because she gets to be cozy with Josh Holloway and Matthew Fox. ;)

parenting ad absurdum said... 3

On my way to check it out - Happy Mother's Day!

Daisygirl said... 4

The scoop on poop is hilarious!

I hope your weekend is great! Happy Mother's Day!!!!

The Drama Mama said... 5

Thanks so much for playing along today, and guest posting on Monday. It is an honor to have you there.

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