Tuesday, November 2, 2010

$45 CSN Stores GC Giveaway

Want a chance to get some free money to spend on your holiday shopping?

Here's your chance to win a $45 CSN Stores Gift Code to be used at one of their over 200 online stores. CSN has grown to be one of the Top 3 U.S. online retailers of goods for the home and office.  They offer something for everyone in the family from baby furniture to home decor to bar stools and handbags to cookware (one of my favorite sites).

What could you buy with $45?

Doesn't this Caldo-Freddo Holiday Bear in White ($22.99) remind you of the Coca-Cola polar bear commercials that are on during the holidays?

For cooking Thanksgiving dinner this Reston Lloyd Calypso Basics Roaster Pan With Rack in Red ($39.99) would come in handy

OR splurge and use your $45 GC towards the Calphalon Classic Nonstick Roaster with Rack ($59.95).

How about a clutch for that holiday party?  Check out this Special Occasions Black Satin Clutch with Silver Chain ($35.99).

If you have lots of self control and decide not to splurge on yourself then you could certainly find a holiday gift for a special someone on your list at one of CSN's online stores.


MANDATORY ENTRY: Visit one of  CSN Stores online stores and leave a comment about one product that you would buy with your $45 Gift Code . (1 entry) 

To receive additional entries:
*Become a follower or a subscriber of The Practical Mom Guide and if you already do so just leave a comment stating that you already follow (1 entry)

*Follow TPMG and/or CSN Stores on twitter (1 entry each)

*Become a fan of TPMG and/or CSN Stores on Facebook (1 entry each)

*Tweet (maximum of once daily) about this giveaway and don't forget to leave your twitter name
Copy and paste: Win a $45 CSN Stores GC at #TPMG. http://bit.ly/9IpZVI Please RT. (1 entry per tweet)

*Add The Practical Mom Guide to your blogroll or display our button (5 entries)

*Post about this giveaway on your blog (5 entries)

This giveaway will end on Tuesday, November 16, 2010. I will announce the winner on November 17th here at The Practical Mom Guide. If I am unable to contact the winner or they do not respond within 48 hours, another winner will be chosen.

Contest only open to U.S. residents.

Good luck and thanks for participating!

*I was not compensated in any way to host this giveaway.


Shell said... 1

I would put it toward some of the Toy Story toys they have on there! That is all my boys want for Christmas!

Shell said... 2

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Shell said... 3

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Shell said... 4

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Shell said... 5

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Suburban prep said... 6

I would probably put it towards the Clava Leather Vachetta Everyday Shoulder Bag.

msgb245 at gmail dot com

meeyeehere said... 7

I would buy a corelle doll if I won for my niece

meeyeehere said... 8

already follow you

meeyeehere said... 9

follow both on twitter@meeyeehere

meeyeehere said... 10

like both on fb too
rachel carter crisman

Missy said... 11

The Badger Tundle Bunk bed with ladder. My daughter would love to find it under the tree from Santa.

Unknown said... 12

I would LIKE to get the JoJo Designs Purple Dragonfly Dreams Shower Curtain - ShowerCurtain-PurpleDragonflyDreams

Unknown said... 13

Follow The Practical Mom Guide via GFC

Unknown said... 14

Follow @blogmom221 on twitter, as Gerisandoval

Unknown said... 15

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Unknown said... 16

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Unknown said... 17


Domestic Diva said... 18

I follow on gfc

Hillary said... 19

I follow csn on twitter @hillary82

hillaryanna at yahoo dot com

Hillary said... 20


hillaryanna at yahoo dot com

Hillary said... 21

I like csn on facebook.

hillaryanna at yahoo dot com

Katrina said... 22

I think I would put it towards a step 2 waterwheel table for my daughter for Christmas.

ykatrina at hotmail dot com

Tim said... 23

I follow with google friends.

tahearn at roadrunner dot com

Tim said... 24

I like csn on facebook

tahearn at roadrunner dot com

Colette S said... 25

I'd get the KidKraft Personalized Primary Sling Bookshelf - 14226

Unknown said... 26

I ordered the Home Styles Art and Crafts Cottage Oak Desk so I would like the matching baker's rack to use in place of a bookshelf!

Thanks for the giveaway!

maggie965 at Yahoo dot com

Unknown said... 27

I follow this blog!

Thanks for the giveaway!

maggie965 at yahoo dot com

Unknown said... 28

I follow CSN on Twitter

Michelle @Flying Giggles said... 29

I cannot remember if I entered this yesterday, i don't see my comments, so hooefully they are not in moderation.

I would put it towards the Guidecraft Pastel Pony Rocking Horse for a Christmas gift for my friends baby.

Gigglesandlollipops at gmail dot com

Michelle @Flying Giggles said... 30

Following you on twtitter...flyinggiggles

Michelle @Flying Giggles said... 31

following CSN on twitter...flyinggiggles

Michelle @Flying Giggles said... 32

Like you on Facebook...Michelle M

Michelle @Flying Giggles said... 33

Like them on Facebook...Michelle M

Carol W. said... 34

I'd use the gift code toward a Bosu Balance Trainer.


Julie said... 35

e Creuset 9" Square Baking Dish with Bonus 5" Baking Dish in Caribbean - PG071523-17 get this
thanks for the giveaway

Julie said... 36

like CSN on fb-Julie S Laws

Rebecca (Indecisive Baker) said... 37

I'd get http://www.csnstores.com/Star-Home-40152-ARH1005.html

Rebecca (Indecisive Baker) said... 38

I like CSN on FB! Rebecca H

brightleigh said... 39

I would use this GC towards a swingset or trampoline.

Leigh Bright

brightleigh said... 40

I like CSN Stores on FB.

Leigh Bright

Tyler said... 41

I would buy the Moen 5' curved shower rod.

Tyler said... 42

Subscribe via Google Reader.

Tyler said... 43

Follow CSN on Twitter. (always6139)

Tyler said... 44

Tweet 11.12

Debbie said... 45

I'd love to get this Le Creuset Casserole: http://www.csnstores.com/Le-Creuset-PG1048-3367-LEC1262.html

Debbie said... 46

Already follow you on twitter @suburbsanity.

Debbie said... 47

Follow CSN on twitter @suburbsanity.

Debbie said... 48

Liked you on fb as Suburb Sanity.

Debbie said... 49

Liked CSN on fb as Suburb Sanity.

Debbie said... 50

Tweeted: http://twitter.com/suburbsanity/status/3299741425205248

wacki04@TheKing'sCourt IV said... 51

I would get the Black & Decker 6-Slice Toaster Oven w/ Digital Touch Pad - CTO6301

wacki04 (at) gmail (dot) com

wacki04@TheKing'sCourt IV said... 52

Follow CSN via Twitter!

wacki04 (at) gmail (dot) com

wacki04@TheKing'sCourt IV said... 53

Like CSN on FB!

wacki04 (at) gmail (dot) com

wacki04@TheKing'sCourt IV said... 54


wacki04 (at) gmail (dot) com

Tyler said... 55

Tweet 11.13

Unknown said... 56

I would use the gift card towards buying a Deni Automatic Ice Cream Maker!

Unknown said... 57

GFC follower
Kathy Detweiler

Unknown said... 58

Following you on Twitter
Twitter id kdet62

Unknown said... 59

Following CSN stores on Twitter
Twitter id kdet62

Unknown said... 60

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Facebook name Kathy Detweiler

Unknown said... 61

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Facebook name Kathy Detweiler

Unknown said... 62

Daily tweet

abby said... 63

I would get the Shrunks travel toddler bed!
Thanks for the opportunity.

abby said... 64

Google follower: uberabby

abby said... 65

Follow you on facebook: abby b.w.

abby said... 66

Follow CSNstores on facebook: abby b.w.

abby said... 67

Follow CSNstores on twitter: uberabby2

abby said... 68

follow you on twitter: uberabby2

abby said... 69


abby said... 70

I have your button:
entry 1

abby said... 71

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entry 3

abby said... 72

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entry 5

Ashley said... 73

I would get a new dog bed.

hewella1 at gmail dot com

Ashley said... 74

gfc follower.

hewella1 at gmail dot com

Unknown said... 75

Daily tweet

abby said... 76


Tyler said... 77

Tweet 11.14

Tyler said... 78

Tweet 11.15

Unknown said... 79

Daily tweet

Salleefur/Jesselyn/Jesster said... 80

I have a very long Wish List at CSN Stores - in all price ranges - but one item that really caught my eye (free shipping too!) is the dazzling "Ashton Sutton Starburst Mirror - BM0323SKU #: ASH1028" - it would really bring our back sunporch new life!


Salleefur/Jesselyn/Jesster said... 81

I became a Public Follower via GFC

Salleefur/Jesselyn/Jesster said... 82

I am a CSN Fan on Facebook
Jesselyn A

abby said... 83


Shawn said... 84

I would get the Michael Carr Cat Rain Gauge Statue.


Happy Homemaker And Momma said... 85

Woohoo comment number 100.....I would get a new pair of shoes

Happy Homemaker And Momma said... 86

CSN follower on Twitter


Happy Homemaker And Momma said... 87

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Happy Homemaker And Momma said... 88

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Happy Homemaker And Momma said... 89

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Happy Homemaker And Momma said... 90

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Happy Homemaker And Momma said... 91

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Happy Homemaker And Momma said... 92

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Happy Homemaker And Momma said... 93

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Happy Homemaker And Momma said... 94

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Happy Homemaker And Momma said... 95

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Happy Homemaker And Momma said... 96

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Happy Homemaker And Momma said... 97

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Happy Homemaker And Momma said... 98

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Happy Homemaker And Momma said... 99

Posting giveaway on blog entry #5


Happy Homemaker And Momma said... 100

Daily Tweet http://twitter.com/#!/jellycole7/status/4511280782123008

sorry I forgot to post my blog post link so here it is

Tyler said... 101

Tweet 11.16

Anne said... 102

I'd get the Thames and Kosmos wind power science kit
ajolly1456 at gmail dot com

Anne said... 103

I follow csn on twitter, lunaj1456
ajolly1456 at gmail dot com

Anne said... 104

I am a facebook fan (Anne Jolly) of CSN
ajolly1456 at gmail dot com

Unknown said... 105

Today's tweet

The Freebie Junkie said... 106

I'd buy a roaster pan - thanks for the chance addictedtofreebies at gmail dot com

The Freebie Junkie said... 107
This comment has been removed by the author.
The Freebie Junkie said... 108

Posted your button on my blog roll http://www.thefreebiejunkie.com/p/blog-roll.html # 1

The Freebie Junkie said... 109

Posted your button on my blog roll http://www.thefreebiejunkie.com/p/blog-roll.html # 2

The Freebie Junkie said... 110

Posted your button on my blog roll http://www.thefreebiejunkie.com/p/blog-roll.html # 3

The Freebie Junkie said... 111

Posted your button on my blog roll http://www.thefreebiejunkie.com/p/blog-roll.html # 4

The Freebie Junkie said... 112

Posted your button on my blog roll http://www.thefreebiejunkie.com/p/blog-roll.html # 5

Amber said... 113

I'd like to get the Jamie WovenWorkz Woven Throw. Thanks!

shelbers434 said... 114

I would put it toward some of the Toy Story toys they have on there!

abby said... 115


Carol W. said... 116

I'd put it toward a Bosu Balance Trainer.


Nicole @ Some Call It Natural said... 117

Adi Designs Women's Plush Trim Lace Up Boots in Camel

So cute!

Tammigirl said... 118

I would like to have some of the lilac le creuset.

Tammigirl said... 119

I am subscribed to emails.

Tammigirl said... 120

I follow you on twitter. @tammigirl

Tammigirl said... 121

I follow CSN on twitter. @tammigirl

Tammigirl said... 122

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Tammigirl said... 123

I am a fan of CSN on facebook.

Karin said... 124

I think I would get the whistling teakettle.

karin56381 (at) gmail.com

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