Wednesday, November 17, 2010

So Much For Thinking Ahead

Emmy's preschool had their annual fundraiser.  Her first fundraiser ever.

Of course it was cookie dough and crumb cakes.  Yum yum and double yum.  Luckily, the holidays are almost here so the dessert portion of dinner is taken care of. 

Nothing like sharing the yummy (albeit fattening goodness).  The more others eat the less we will have left over and the less likely WE will be the ones to eat it.

Sneaky, huh?

The only thing I didn't think about was the logistics of delivery for when I picked everything up.

Emmy brought home a note yesterday saying that the orders are coming in tomorrow and everything is FROZEN.  What the heck am I going to do with all those frozen cakes and tubs of cookie dough??? For some reason I wasn't thinking about what I was going to do with everything once I had it.


They would take up my entire freezer.  My family lives an hour and a half away and friends of ours are not coming in until this weekend from MA.  Luckily my mother-in-law who lives a half hour away is on the way to where my family lives.

Emmy has playgroup after preschool tomorrow so my only solution is to fill our huge cooler with ice and put it in my trunk.  I can store everything in the cooler and make the drive to drop everything off tomorrow.  That is a lot of cake and cookie dough to deliver.

The downside to  Getting the orders was the easy part. 

Luckily they only do this once a year. I don't think my fridge or the scale could stand it any more frequently.


One Photo said... 1

My daughter's school gives you the option of just donating money instead, so I do that as then 100% of it goes to the school and I do not end up with lots of unwanted cookie dough :-)

Lourie said... 2

Frozen cookie dough and cakes are a lot harder to eat.

Joy@TPMG said... 3

@Lourie-That may be a good thing:)

I kind of wish we had just given a monetary donation. We really didn't need the cookies and cakes. I felt bad though and bought 2 of each. Luckily we entertain a lot!

Erica M said... 4

What usually happens: I pick up a car load of dough then store it all in my freezer, forgetting to hand it all out and forgetting to recover my money even though I see aunties and grandparents at least once a week. Then I throw everything out a year later after I get tired of looking at it. Right after, my sister invariably asks: hey, where's my cookie dough?

Thanks for stopping by my blog today and for jumping right in with comments. Don't be a stranger.

Anonymous said... 5

It is nice to have the dough on hand if you ever have surprise guests or to brighten a snow day stuck at home. But, you're right, the logistics of delivering everything can be tricky!

Joey Lynn Resciniti said... 6

My school goes way overboard with the fundraising. Something different is being sold every week. By the eighth week of school I didn't even feel guilty anymore about ditching the order forms!

Tarja said... 7

Oh, dear, the logistics of all this is making my head hurt. Kudos to tackling this! I'm sure the preschool is grateful.

blogmom221 said... 8

I can't even imagine having more than one fundraiser! With more than one kid I can just imagine what it will be like by the time they are in elementary school!

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