Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Post-it Notes of a Sick Mamma




Daisygirl said... 1

really a deli??? Australia sounds nice right now though!

Baby Sweetness said... 2

Ok, the store being closed is perfect! does that work? The problem here is "someone" is pounding on the door to open awfully early these days.

VandyJ said... 3

Trying to close the shop here, but someone (Bruiser) won't drink from anything but Mommy.

hypermom said... 4

Take care!

Furry Bottoms said... 5

Hi! Thank you for visiting my blog. I had to come and check you out too. Sorry for the stomach bug-- feel better soon!!!

Joy@TPMG said... 6

Thanks for the get well wishes. The girls have been angels today and both took super long naps so I got one to.

I am going to try blog hopping later. I can always get lost online and hopefully forgetting about how awful I feel will be good medicine.

mmmm...a nice warm beach in Australia does sound nice right about now.

Anonymous said... 7

YAY For naps!! I am glad you are better!

Elizabeth Patch said... 8

thank you so very much for stopping by my blog and helping make my SITS day special, and I especially appreciate that you took the time to read and comment on my Rubenesque post.Smiles to you (and feel better soon)

Sarah at The Stroller Ballet said... 9

Hope you feel better. I am feeling awful tonight, as well. So, I hear you sister!

Unknown said... 10

So sorry you are sick, hun! I hope you start feeling better and soon.

The husband passed his stupid man cold onto me. Lovely :(


More than a Mom said... 11

I hope you feel better soon. And I love that the milk bar closed! That's too funny!

Christina Lee said... 12

hah! milk bar--love it!

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