Friday, February 26, 2010

WAT-AAH Review & Giveaway

What is WAT-AAH?  A mom like you and me was wondering how to get kids to drink more water. She joined with other moms in asking their kids how to get them to drink more water rather than juices and other sugary drinks.  The answer turned out to be that it was all about packaging-a cooler name and an appealing design to make the bottled water more interesting. 

WAT-AAH come in four varieties:
  • Body (pure spring water)
  • Brain (ultra pure water and electrolytes)
  • Bones (ultra pure water and magnesium which helps build bones)
  • Energy (ultra pure water and oxygen)
The waters taste like clean water and have no sugars which is a huge plus.  The website was fun to check out.  The packaging is definitely eye catching and probably more appealing to younger consumers many of whom would not choose water to drink.  This is a fun alternative to sugary beverages on outings or to keep in the car for when your running errands and more likely to buy sugary beverages at your child's request. You can check the the WAT-AAH website for a listing of stores near you that sell WAT-AAH or you can buy it at

Check out their blog where they just announced that they will be sponsoring the New York International Children's Festival.  You can also become a WAT-AAH fan on Facebook or follow them on twitter to stay-up-to-date on the latest news.

Enter their WATS-THE-WORD Contest to win a pair of custom-made Addidas Wat-aah shoes.  How cool is that?  The contest is open until March 31st.

Want to try WAT-AAH for yourself?

WAT-AAH Prize Pack Giveaway
 Enter to win 4 bottles of WAT-AAH (one of each type), stickers, and temporary tattoes for your little ones.

To enter do any (or all) of the following and leave a comment:
 Don't forget to leave separate comments for actions that result in multiple entries (ex. I added TPMG to my blogroll #1, I added TPMG to my blogroll #2...) 
Please make sure that you leave an email address or some way of contacting you (if your email or blog is not listed on your Blogger profile) in the instance that you are the winner.
*Leave a comment about why you would like to try WAT-AAH (1 entry)

*Become a follower or a subscriber of The Practical Mom Guide and if you are already do so just leave a comment stating that you already follow (1 entry)

*Follow WAT-AAH on twitter (1 entry)

*Become a fan of WAT-AAH on Facebook (1 entry)

*Tweet (maximum of once daily) about this giveaway and don't forget to leave your twitter name
Copy and paste: WAT-AAH Giveaway at #TPMG (ends 3/12). Please RT. 
(1 entry per tweet)

*Enter another giveaway at The Practical Mom Guide and leave a comment with which giveaway you entered (2 entries for each giveaway you enter)

*Add The Practical Mom Guide to your blogroll or display our button (5 entries)

*Post about this giveaway on your blog (5 entries)

This giveaway will end on Friday, March 12, 2010. I will announce the winner on March 13th here at The Practical Mom Guide. If I am unable to contact the winner or they do not respond within 48 hours, another winner will be chosen.

Good luck and thanks for participating!

*Contest only open to U.S. residents.

* I was sent a WAT-AAH Prize Pack in order to write this review.  No other compensation was or will be received.  All opinions are my own.


Lourie said... 1

Wah-tah....hmmm. Interesting.

Lourie said... 2

I follow you. :)

Lisa said... 3

I'd like to try WAT-AAH because our tap water is just plain yucky and we have to buy our water elsewhere.

Lisa said... 4

I already follow you:)

Lisa said... 5

You're on my blogroll #1

Lisa said... 6

You're on my blogroll #2

Lisa said... 7

You're on my blogroll #3

Lisa said... 8

You're on my blogroll #4

Lisa said... 9

You're on my blogroll #5

traci smith said... 10

we like trying new things and were huge water drinkers

traci smith said... 11

am a subscriber

traci smith said... 12

follow wat-aah on twitter , tracisme123

traci smith said... 13

became a facebook fan of wat-aah, traci smith

traci smith said... 14

tweeted, tracisme123 ,

aledol said... 15

This is great, I would rather my kids drink this than pop!!

aledol said... 16

Current sub

aledol said... 17

wataah @aleshamom4

aledol said... 18

wataah FB

aledol said... 19

aledol said... 20

aledol said... 21

aledol said... 22

debijackson said... 23

we love bottled water and I think the kids would enjoy it.

debijackson said... 24

i already subscribe

Heavenly Savings said... 25

I would love to try these I love flavored water!

Heavenly Savings said... 26

Follow your blog on Google friend!
Krista W.

Heavenly Savings said... 27

Follow WATAAH on twitter

Heavenly Savings said... 28

WAT-AAH! facebook fan
Kristina W.

Heavenly Savings said... 29

Have your button on right sidebar!!!

Heavenly Savings said... 30

Have your button on right sidebar!!!

Heavenly Savings said... 31

Have your button on right sidebar!!!

bison61 said... 32

I think my grandkids would drink this - my grandson would like the Energy one

tiramisu392 (at)

aledol said... 33

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