One of those things was to attend the local AAA minor league ball game with the kids and let Emmy run the bases afterward which they do at every Sunday home game.
Since both girls have a short attention span and we have season tickets, we arrived late, really late, in the 7th inning late. The girls were mesmerized by the people and the cheering and the action on the field. Emmy was upset that she forgot her pom-poms to cheer them on. I of course forgot to grab them from the table when we left. She kept reminding me throughout the rest of the game.
During the 9th inning, kids and their parents start lining up to run the bases after the game and when the game is over they are led down to the field itself.
Emmy holding her dad's hand in the 90 degree heat
When Bob stepped out of line, Emmy was looking around for him to keep him in her sights.
We needn't have worried. When she was 4th in line, she bolted. The stadium worker who was high fiving the kids to give them their okay to run stood there bewildered and laughing as this little peanut started running towards second base. My husband stood next to me laughing and joking that this was going to end badly.
Emmy crossing home plate
It didn't. She even stopped so she could tag the second base before running for third and she didn't stop until she made it to home plate where she ran to her dad.
She even wanted to do it again!
Do you ever find yourself underestimating your kids? And what's on your summer fun list?
rearranging my school room at home
I totally underestimate my kids abilities - they constantly surprise me!
Sending you lots of good baby vibes and wishing you a comfortable next 4 weeks. Can't wait for pictures!!
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