Even though all of Madison's firsts are the same things I first experienced with my first daughter, they are still just as exciting. Maybe not to our family members who have to listen to our exclamations about all that Madison can do when they ask "And how are the girls?". Every little milestone, an indicator of how fast she is changing, fills me with excitement. It is all because these are her milestones, part of who she is and who she is becoming-a little girl not so much a baby anymore but a toddler.
She is showing her independence. Pointing with her whole hand and body and reaching for whatever object holds her fascination, she knows what she wants and when-NOW.
She giggles hysterically when you tickle her armpit. I admit this is how I keep her from sleeping in the car on the short drive from the grocery store. I will reach back, squeal "giggle monster", and attack her armpits. Even as she is nodding off to the land of slumber, she awakens enough to launch into peels of laughter. Emily usually joins in the fun making silly faces at Madison to help keep her awake.
Not a fan of baby food, she steadfastly refused to eat it and began eating table food at about 10 months. Now she is a human garbage disposal (or so my husband says since she will eat her food and any leftovers from her sister's plate). My MIL marvels on how she has never seen a baby girl eat so much. Lunch today was 1 3/4 bowls of raviolis and a cup of strawberries and blueberries. Before her nap 11/2 hours later she ate a handful of graham cracker bunnies.
She loves balls and playing with Little People. She is her own little person.
Today, for the first time she took a step all by herself. Just one small step before she landed on her bottom with a clap of her hands and an expectant look at me. Even she knew she had done something amazing.
One small step for my baby. One giant step towards becoming a toddler. I hope I am ready for this. It seems she is.
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10 hours ago
Such a beautiful picture! It's wonderful that you're tracking her development so closely. Sometimes we second children feel a bit left out of that excitement. My mom didn't bother trying a baby book by the time I came along!
What a beautiful post, every word of it filled with love for your daughter. You are absolutely right, every child is different and those special moments and milestones with each must be so totally and uniquely special and precious. But oh, how time does fly and don't they just grow up so very fast.
oh her first step!!! How awesome! I love babies firsts...its so happy and so sad all at the same time!
The first step is the best, best, best! She'll be into everything everywhere soon! :)
The first step is SUCH an exciting moment! It's the start of action and real movement and independence. Yay! And your daughter is stinkin' cute.
ps - It's taken me a while to get here, but thank you so much for visiting a while back...
I agree! I went just as nutty for Maddie's first steps as I did for Kate's!
What a darling girl you have. And first steps are huge...it's the door to a whole new kid world. :) I know you'll do great...now your house might be in for it.
Stopping by from Friday Follow.
Darling blog! Happy Friday!
So sweet to be witnessing those milestones! A precious time. And once they start walking, it's alllll over...look out! ;)
It is sooo exciting with each and every one! It doesn't lose its charm. They are amazing and wonderful. And your kids are just beautiful!
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