Do you repeat yourself....again...and again...and again.
With my daughter, after I ask her to do something three times (she never even acknowledges she has heard me), I begin to count. Normally, she knows that she needs to get her butt in gear once the counting commences. Of course, I should point out that she is two and has the attention span of 2 seconds. Another mom told me that it's called selective hearing and it gets worse with age.
With my husband, it is the same story so I am beginning to wonder if she is right.
Honey, don't forget to ask your mother to Easter dinner. Honey, did you say something...
(I wonder what my MIL was thinking yesterday when I spoke to her about if she would mind coming over to watch the girls for a few hours on Saturday while I made desserts. It never even dawned on me that my husband had NOT asked her when he saw her in person on Monday.)
Honey, tonight is your dentist appointment. Honey, did you say something...
(If I paid myself $25 for every time my husband has canceled his dentist appointments, I would be able to go to the Hotel Hersey every six months and soak in a tub of chocolate and have a chocolate massage. On second thought, can't make your appointment, let me make that call for you. That's what any practical mom would do, right?)
Honey, after the first thaw, remember we need to put stuff on the rock beds around the pool to keep the weeds from germinating. Honey, did you say something...
(As of this post, said chore is still uncompleted and lovely weeds have been sprouting. Our thaw occurred about a month ago. Just what I don't want-another dandelion debacle. Mama was NOT happy about that one.)
Honey, don't forget to make an appointment to have your car serviced. Honey, did you say something...
(Those lights on your dashboard are not to look pretty. They are reminders that your car needs some TLC. I suggest reading that book with cool pics in your glove box. It was designed specifically for men like you.)
NOTE: My husband has his own pet peeves. Lately I have been hearing frequently, "Do you know what would happen if I had done that?" No, I don't. Please enlighten me. Maybe if I pretend to not have heard him...Honey, did you say something?
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3 hours ago
I have been through that phaes with my husband and my 10 year old so I started memo-ing them.
Yes, when they would come home from school and work they would each find a memo of the Important info.
Emily loved it and stills asks for the memos and Tyler did not find that amusing, but he listened!
My hasband has the same problem. It's lovely... I feel I have to remind him over and over again. Which he gets annoyed with. But just saying it once did not work... he didn't hear it. It didn't sink in.
So now I find myself repeating myself... which is indeed annoying. But if he would just listen... it would all be a moot point.
Your post has me laughing. I think maybe the girl is on to something. There's not a whole lot of listening going on over here either...
LOL! My little girl does exactely the same! She is almost 2, she will carry on with whatever she is busy with untill I start counting, then she runs! So cute, but yet, so naughty...
It does only get worse with age. As for husbands, well sadly, they are mostly like large children.
Oh! So funny. It's the same at my house. My two boys and my husband are all capable of looking straight at me from two feet away and genuinely not hearing a word I say. I thought it was a male gene - apparently it crosses gender lines!
My boys have the worst case of selective hearing. When I asked them to do something in a pretty clear voice they don't hear me, but when I whisper something they want right after they are all ears....drives me nuts.
My husband does the exact. same. thing. Along with saying I never told him something making ME feel like the crazy one...Lol!
Ladies, I think TGND is on to something with memos.
Of course if my hubby doesn't seem to see the post-its on the fridge, I am not sure memos will even work.
Yep, it certainly crosses gender lines (at least for little ones) because I swear I hear EVERY word my husband says:) WINK*WINK*
Just the same in my house !
So funny!
By the way Happy Friday!
Following you from FF,when you get a chance check out my blog and follow me back?
Welcome to my world!! By the time the DH starts to listen, they are starting to go deaf.
A SITS friend
oh my gosh this was so funny to read! What is it with men and always canceling their dentist appointments, I never get to cancel mine!
Seriously I think my kids listen better than the hubby!
It does seem to get worse the longer you've been married, in addition to age.
I'm stopping by from Friday Follow. I hope you'll follow me back (or if you already do, thank you!)
I just put out, oops, help the big bunny put out my daughter's Easter basket and I'm hopping some blogs.
Happy Easter from my family to yours!
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