No, I didn't do anything bad. I am not sitting in a corner. I am joining Theta Mom for Time Out Thursday.
How did I spend an hour of me time this month?
Sweating, stretching, and using muscles that I had forgotten I had. I just renewed my gym membership yesterday. I spent a lovely hour in the gym while my daughters were with the wonderful women in the child care there.
Just walking in the doors yesterday was such a lift to my spirits. The smell of antiseptic, chlorine, and sweat tickled my nose. Ahhh... I couldn't wait to get to work.
Whether I was on the elliptical, the stationary bike, or using the leg curl machine it was as though my body was remembering the shape it was once in. I didn't have to multi-task, I didn't have to think, I didn't have to meet any little one's demands. It was me time.
I am looking forward to more me time tomorrow.
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7 hours ago
Stopping by from SITS and wishing you a Happt Thursday!!!!
I miss my cycling class at the gym! I must get back in there!
Before I had kids, I was an avid gym chick! I went all the time and when I missed a day I would freak! Now I am lucky if I do anything...I need to use this as one of my time outs, too.
Thanks for playing along! Following you! :)
Hi, first time commenter here! Thanks for stopping by my blog today ;)
I could seriously smell the gym from your description!! Some me time sounds wonderful.
Stopping by from Theta Mom. :)
Good for you!! I am addicted to my elliptical machine, which I hop on while the kids are napping, and watch really bad reality shows like "Tough Love 2" :).
I need to get back into some sort of workout routine too! I am so good when the weather is nice and I can get out walking, but I totally slack in the winter!
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